Paula Timm Artist

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Roast Chicken?

We bought a small roasting chicken, any ideas on how I should prepare it? I have a slow cooker, or a convection gas oven. Share your family favorite.

Post a comment on facebook or comment section on blog!

Thanks to those that offered their help and recipes...I roasted this beauty up...I have only sampled a wee leg...and I am loving it~!


  1. For a GF recipe, stuff the cavity with celery pieces, onion and sprinkle in thyme leaves, sage and savory. Bake in a covered roaster at 350 for 2 hours or until a meat thermomter registers 180.

  2. wow, thanks! Now, when are you making this? I have the chicken!

  3. I am doing the chicken, I mean I am roasting the chicken. It smells amazing in here. It is taking longer than I thought to cook this wee chick.
