Paula Timm Artist

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Neuron Forest: The Art + Science of Life, Art, and Earth

 A Neuron Forest for the Trees

How is a forest similar to a neuron?

a comparison of my art above and a wiki image of a neuron
Fascinated by the recent conversation I had with two Neurologists, from University of Calgary, about a piece of my art as they saw not a forest but a bunch of neurons. I did some research on how neurons compare to forests.. and I now I am even more amazed. 

from WIKI, "A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body in a number of ways, but there is one key difference between neurons and other cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body."

from WIKI," The forest is a complex ecosystem consisting mainly of trees that buffer the earth and support a myriad of life forms. The trees help create a special environment which, in turn, affects the kinds of animals and plants that can exist in the forest. ... Plants provide habitat to different types of organisms."

Lastly, a short while ago I listened to a podcast on a Canadian Forester (female too!). She made a discovery on trees and forest communication. It seems that different species of trees in the same forest (limitless in size), send nutrients, health warnings, and when they are about to die, they send their carbon and minerals out to the rest of the trees. Listen to the full episode link below.…/podcast-radiolab-from-tree-to…/

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Muse Worthy - by Workshop Muse

Muse Worthy - by Workshop Muse

The very cool series on Artists who Inspire Her.

The very cool Rachel Rose of Workshop Muse is creating a series on artists whom inspire her.
I am so very honoured to be selected this round in the series Muse Worthy - read here for the full article on her blog.

Her words start reflecting from the time that she met me in my art class to sighting my healing journey with art. I have reread a few times to capture her insights and will continue to re read to capture perspective on my life.
have a read here.. and make sure you read to the bottom for some Question&Answers by moi!

- it is so very beautiful, thank you!

Follow her Facebook Page, Workshop Muse for workshops, creative prompts, and thoughtful articles.