Paula Timm Artist

Monday, December 30, 2013

The End of One and the Start of Another!

It is that time of year again, where we evaluate the past accomplishments and wish for better in the New Year. I have come to learn that age has nothing to do with memory but if it weren't for social media taking record I couldn't tell you what occurred in 2013! 
Wink Wink  by Paula Timm
Ipad drawing using app Paper by 53
I was led to find a nifty tool yesterday; using 'likes' to create metrics for the top 5 posts on Instagram profile. The good news, my art posts were popular and not my repetitive posts of my dog and I. 
'Tis the Season, Perry the Hipster Pugx
I thought I should take a stab at creating my own top 5 moments based on the past year's posts to Instagram. I should find a better video-editing tool for my Iphone, a good exercise nonetheless.
Studio C Exhibit, the first piece that I sold!
In reflection, last year was exciting, fulfilling and wonderful. I prepared for my first art exhibit and soon after my second. I created lesson plans for art classes, I facilitated workshops using art as a tool for employment and mental wellness, and I taught art and loved every moment.  I was surprised at how much art I produced too. I sold art, I was commissioned for new art, and I found new skill and talent within myself.  
First Class at Studio C
What I wish for the New Year? Balance comes to mind, be it at home, heart or in my head. I am learning to temper my desires with the reality of my body's limitations. I am learning not to be victimized by these and to embrace their strengths. I know how I want to feel, who I want to be, and how I want to live. 2014 is about choosing the actions that are best for my family and me. What a powerful and exciting statement...

Here’s to 2014!